HSE Commitment
HSE Commitment, Emergency Plan & Business Ethics
Since the date of creation of our company, we sought after making an organization which would act according to the requirements of quality, risk prevention and environment management.
Our main objective is maintaining the “Zero Accident“; it is the goal of the business we manage. We try to convince or reinforce this approach with the companies we work; this way they implement the necessary means that will tend to achieve this result. We rely on their persistence and professionalism to be with us, the guides.
We are a service company and we are recognized by our Clients to be able to provide satisfactory services, including quality and safety, in preparing the work, during the services delivery and until the end of the missions of our employees. We wish to implement this commitment by asking our clients to attach the greatest interest in improving the results in health and safety areas. In the field of safety our objective is to maintain the “zero accident“.
Safety is inherent to quality. There is no one without the other.
We are committed to conduct our quality /safety policy, promoting organized and regular actions to move towards our goal.
Everyone must participate in this policy and:
- Always maintain health and safety of persons, even if there is a conflict with other strategic objectives.
- Conduct continuous and determined actions to avoid any accidents.
- Set clear and relevant performance targets by focusing on the key factors.
- Assess our performance and communicate results regularly and transparently.
- Appoint relevant staff (managers, supervisors or employees) with responsibility for compliance with our Health / Safety Management Systems.
- Ensure that all relevant staff is informed and receive all necessary training to allow them working safely and without danger to their health.
- Cooperate with our Clients, partners and subcontractors on each project to develop a common Health / Safety management.
- Aim to continuously improve our performance in Health / Safety.
Finally, it is important to us and our employees:
- Combining our engineering and technology relevant assessment principles to minimize and mitigate environmental impacts, as far as practicable, the residual effects;
- Promote employees awareness to integrate environmental considerations and security in their daily work;
- Cooperate with our Clients, partners and subcontractors on each project to develop a common system of environmental management and compliance with safety rules.
We are personally committed to implementing the means (training in particular, since we are accredited as training for safety) necessary to achieve these goals.
We monitor the implementation of this policy on our industrial sites and also on the office workplaces.
We are proud to note that a major part of our office workers followed and successfully completed First Aid at Work training.
To manage efficiently the risks related to health, safety and environment we adopt a global solution described here below.

Prevent and control all risks related to Health and Safety
Risk Management Organisation
- Analysis of occupational hazards
- Information management
Occupational Hazards Analysis

Business Ethics
The following standards of conduct and legal requirements are observed by DRILNET:
- All dealings involving the relationship contemplated hereunder will be conducted in a fair manner with honesty and integrity, observing high standards of personal and business ethics.
- Business books and records will be maintained in a proper, responsible and honest manner which will allow DRILNET clients to comply with applicable Laws.
- DRILNET represents and warrants that neither DRILNET nor the DRILNET’s parent or subsidiary companies, affiliates or any of their shareholders, subcontractors, members, managers, directors, officers, employees, independent contractors, subcontractors or agents: (i) has made or authorized or will make or authorize any offer, payment, promise to pay, any money, including kick-backs, or a gift, promise to give, or the giving of anything of value to any third party including, but not limited to, a government official, political party, party official, family member or representative of a state-owned enterprise for the purpose of wrongfully influencing the recipient; obtaining or retaining business; or for securing or obtaining an improper business advantage; or (ii) has taken or permitted or will take or permit any action to be taken, including an action in connection with the conduct of their business and the transactions, which would cause DRILNET, Client or any of Client’s Affiliates to be in violation of any applicable Anti-Bribery or Anti-Corruption Laws, including, where applicable, but not limited to the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, as amended; the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions and related implementing legislation and all local equivalent laws in the countries in which business is conducted. DRILNET further agrees that it will make no Facilitating Payment in any form to any government official on behalf of the Client company for the purpose of expediting or securing the performance of a routine non-discretionary governmental duty or action without the prior written approval of the Client. For this purpose e-mail is considered written approval. Separate approval is required for each such Facilitating Payment.
- DRILNET agrees that it will perform no act for or on behalf of the Client company which would subject the Client company to fines or penalties or loss of tax benefits for violation of U.S. Anti-boycott laws.
- DRILNET agrees that it will perform no act for or on behalf of the Client company which would subject the Client company to fines or penalties for violation of export controls or licensing requirements or trade sanctions including those of the United States to the extent that they apply.
- Confidential or proprietary information will not be disclosed at any time to persons outside the parties hereto without proper written authorization.
- The business relationship contemplated hereunder will be conducted in compliance with applicable antitrust and competition Laws.